Hi, I’m Albert Steed, President of Remote Work Made Simple, coming to you from East Grand Travers Bay in Michigan, on the boat, sitting at the Marina, and I’m talking about why I have a remote friendly business and why I’ve created Remote Work Made Simple. Of course, one of the big reasons why you should do anything for your business is to make it more profitable, and I knew that if I could get a great remote work solution and empower and  enable my team to work from anywhere, that would help me work in areas that are unique. I read the book Blue Ocean Red Ocean. Blue Ocean means you’re working in an environment or in a niche of an industry that no one else is in. My primary business is in Northern Michigan, so there is not a lot of opportunity up here as compared to, say, a large metro area like New York or LA or Chicago. So, having that ability to work from anywhere means I can go into very small niches that wouldn’t necessarily work in Northern Michigan, create new opportunities for my business, and open up new markets. So again, if you’ve studied business at all, you know that’s the great way to increase your margins, and it opens up the whole country to your solutions. It’s a winner. So, increasing profitability by working in a Blue Ocean is one of the big reasons why I started Remote Work Made Simple and why my team has great remote work tools.

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How to Get Microsoft 365 Set Up Right


Prepare your business to go remote and discover: 

  • How to easily understand user permissions 
  • The importance of developing and maintaining an organizational chart
  • Different types of user “access” and why you may choose one over another

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