With remote work opportunities on the rise, working from home has become the norm for many, and with it, many tips of the trade may feel like second nature. However, whether you’re just getting started or have been working from home for years, we’ve come to find that there’s always room for improvement when it comes to how to rework your workweek. Here are five strange tips (you’ve probably not heard yet) that make you more productive when it comes to working remotely!

Take plenty of breaks! 

I don’t just mean a lunch break. Believe it or not, people generally are not productive just because they’re working eight hours straight. According to the time tracking app, Desktime, the most productive people work for 52 minutes and then take a break for 17 minutes. The Pomodoro Technique suggests working for 25 minutes followed by a three to five-minute break, and then a 15-30 minute break every 90 minutes. We suggest feeling it out when working remotely! Being a “busy bee” for a whole workday doesn’t necessarily equal productivity! Giving your brain frequent breaks may actually help you get more done in less time. 

 Get ready in the morning. 

It may be tempting to stay in your pj’s all day when working from home, but it isn’t always the best plan. Separating the comfort of your bed from the focus of the workday can be key to starting your day on time and feeling awake and ready to take on the day. My best tip is to get up when you wake up. It can be tempting to hit the snooze button when you aren’t battling the morning rush traffic, but giving yourself time to work off the grogginess leads to a better day every time.

Make your WFH set up your dream office.

At the start of the pandemic, when we all found ourselves working from home, many resorted to the kitchen table, a closet turned cubicle, or camping out in the living room. When it comes to working from home in the long-term though, it is important to have a designated spot for your remote office. Even more so, it should be a place you actually like! Whether that means investing in a desk you love, lighting your favorite candle nearby, or renovating a corner of your bedroom, creating a space meant specifically for the workday can really make the difference between feeling overstimulated and at peace during your workweek. I personally enjoy working from my boat, docked in the Grand Travers Bay Marina here in Michigan, though it can get a little chilly in February. Luckily, when working remotely, you’re also free to relocate to warmer climates for your WFH set-up.

Do things you enjoy when you need a break from the computer.  

As we noted in tip number one, taking frequent breaks is very important, but what you do during those breaks is equally paramount. It may be tempting to dive into folding all of the laundry sitting in the basket or to do the dishes left in the sink from breakfast, but I highly encourage you to do something you enjoy! One of my personal favorites is reading a chapter from a book throughout the day or popping in headphones to listen to a few minutes of a podcast. Whatever gets your endorphins up and your stress levels down is a great option on a short break from the workday.

Find your perfect morning routine.

Just like getting dressed for the day, finding your morning routine will always lead to better productivity rather than rolling out of bed. Whether it’s making the bed, grabbing your morning cup of coffee, or enjoying some yoga, figuring out a routine that works for you will help you get the right start to a good day when working remotely. Even if you aren’t a morning person, finding a consistent schedule will help you find that mornings aren’t always so bad. 

Regardless of how you make you work from home, we could all use some new tips for working remotely from the pros now and again. While I’d like to think of myself as a pro, I’m thankful for a team that’s also honed in their WFH skills. If you’d like to learn more about how you can be more productive working from anywhere, schedule a consult. We have more than just a few strange tips to offer. 

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