4.7 million people are working remotely globally. Because of this, employers are finding it increasingly difficult to manage their remote workers. One skill of the most effective employers is effectively managing workers in and outside of the office.

Are you looking for tips that will make managing remote workers easier? We’ve created a brief guide that will help you increase the efficiency of your workers no matter what setting they use as an office.

Make Expectations Clear

The first piece of advice we have to offer you to ensure your remote employers are doing what they’re supposed to is to make your expectations clear from the beginning. These expectations can include:

  • Making deadlines clear
  • Detailing how often employees need to check in with you
  • How to submit task updates

Doing this can help employees stay on task because they understand they are required to keep you informed about the tasks they’re working on. Being clear about what you expect can help to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Find Various Ways to Engage

When employees work from home, it can decrease their engagement with the company because they aren’t dealing with you or others face to face. The best way to reduce employees’ chances of disengagement is to offer various opportunities to connect with other coworkers.

For example, you could host virtual events that also serve as breaks for all employees to take part in. These virtual meetings can also be used to implement team-building activities that strengthen your team no matter where they are currently working.

Utilize Enhanced Technology

When managing remote teams, it’s challenging to make changes or share information without experiencing time delays. If you’ve been in business for any period of time, you’d understand how sensitive some decisions are.

When time is of the essence, you need to be able to communicate effectively with your employees to reach the optimal solutions. Another key component of managing remote teams is providing advanced technology resources for everyone to access, such as Microsoft teams.

The use of Microsoft teams makes it easier for all employees to collaborate on projects by keeping everyone connected and increasing lines of communication. Collaboration is a key factor that businesses need if their company is to succeed.

Don’t Over-Manage Employees

It’s easy for some employers to assume the only way to manage remote workers is to micromanage. However, micromanaging can be detrimental and make employees feel like you don’t trust them to do their jobs.

Set a schedule to check-in and judge the progress of remote employees without over-managing them. When you don’t micromanage, you reduce the chances of interfering with employees’ workflow, giving them the time and space they need to do their jobs.

Managing Remote Workers Properly

There are several tips we’ve given above to help with managing remote workers the right way. Don’t micromanage them and provide them with the technology they need to do their jobs.

Are you ready to approach remote workers differently? Contact Remote Work Made Simple today.

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