In today’s workforce, nearly six-in-ten workers in the U.S. say that they can do their jobs from home. From the money savings to the employee retention rates, if you’re looking to learn more about the benefits of remote work, you’ve come to the right place.
Remote business comes with more perks for employers than you may realize. We’ll go over all the benefits for both employees and employers to help you decide if a remote workplace is right for your business. Let’s jump in and see if working remotely is a good fit.
Working From Home Saves Employers Money
As an employer, you know how expensive a workspace is. Office space, meeting rooms, and overhead costs add up to thousands and even millions per year. From the rent to the utilities, office space is a costly expense.
Working from home, however, allows employees to work from the comfort of home without the need for expensive office space. There’s no need to pay for rent, electricity, heating, and overhead. Parking, office supplies, and more are utilized at home.
Having employees work from home takes a huge line item off of your yearly expense report. Consider how much money you’re currently spending on office space. Are your employees utilizing all this space or are they sitting empty?
Meetings are another expensive travel item. Between hosting meetings, providing food, entertaining, and airfare, business travel is expensive. Shifting your meetings to at-home, virtual meetings will save you a ton in business travel.
Why Work From Home? Working From Home Saves Employees Money
As an employee, travel is expensive. Give your employees a chance to save money on commuting. Employees will no longer have to spend money on gas, parking, airfare, train tickets, bus fare, or car repairs.
As an employer, this is a huge perk to offer employees. You may be surprised to find how many employees choose to save their time and money by not commuting. You also may attract new talent in the process.
Commuting to work also puts a strain on your employee’s cars. In some urban environments, employees may choose to sell their car or stop using it altogether. No more car insurance, gas, or car payments puts more money in your employee’s pockets.
In addition to travel savings, employees can also save on eating out. There’s no need to buy lunches and coffee every day. As an employer, you also don’t need to provide snacks, coffee, and beverage services anymore.
You’re Promoting a Better Work-Life Balance
It’s no secret that many employees feel they could have a better work-life balance. The modern family often features two working parents. While employees will still need childcare during the day, employees have far more flexibility.
Without a long commute to work, employees might be able to catch a baseball game at 5:30 or walk their child to school at 7:00. When you have a long commute, these off-hour family events are often missed by being in the car.
Men and women in their 20s-40s often are the ones with younger children. A work environment with 10 hours spent working and additional time commuting isn’t feasible for these employees. Consider how large of a percentage this workforce is.
Working from home gives you and your employees more time spent with family or taking personal time. Give employees more flexibility to work out, be with their family, or pursue a hobby. This time is rejuvenating and gives employees a better headspace at work every day.
Remote Work Equals More Time Spent Working
A common misconception is that you have to be in the office to get more work in. The time spent commuting, however, will really add up. Consider an average commute being one hour. If you multiply that by five times a week, that’s five hours someone could be working.
Think of how much more time employees will have available to work. There’s no rushing to get in and out of the office. An employee simply needs to walk into their workspace and they are ready for work.
Being at home also allows employees to pick up work whenever they choose. If a call comes in at 5:30, an employee can grab it if they are able. They aren’t worried about driving while talking or being stuck on a train without service.
A better work-life balance also allows for more time to pick up work after hours if needed. Because an employee was able to go to a doctor’s office during lunch, for example, they may work later that evening to finish up a project.
Remote Workplaces Create a Better Work Culture
Remote work gives your company a great culture and vibe. Future employees will look at remote work as a huge perk and bonus. They’ll know you care about their well-being as well as their life outside of work.
Your current employees will continue to enjoy the new culture your company has established of working remotely. They’ll see a better balance of time in their life, more productivity, and a culture of employers who care.
A culture of working in a cubical for hours on end is a thing of the past. Don’t let your company culture be one of archaic work environments and burnout.
Boost Team Productivity and Profits
Teams in your business will be more productive than you may think working from home. Without time spent commuting, you may find they have more time to hang out virtually, brainstorm, talk about projects, and more.
Happy employees are also far more productive. Your employees will have more time for themselves, more time with family, and more time to focus. There aren’t constant interruptions and distractions like in a busy workspace environment.
You may not realize how much time employees spend getting distracted at work currently. When some employees sit close together, they may find it difficult to focus. In a cubicle, for example, you’ll likely hear phone conversations, meetings, and other distractions.
When an employee is in a good groove working, it’s incredibly distracting to have someone come into their space and ask them a question. People may wander over to talk, ask them a favor, ask a question, or just to chat. This breaks the flow of productivity, and often what they are asking could have been done over email.
Keep Employees Healthier
People need time to sleep, work out, recharge, and be with loved ones. When work is busy and stressful, this often leads to burnout. Employees need time to unwind and focus.
Working long hours on top of a commute will take its toll. This is where remote work allows for more flexibility, more time for themselves, and more time for focused work. Employees may find it hard to take care of themselves and their families.
When employees feel trapped being in an office every day, they may also work through sickness. While it’s fine to work during a common cold, coming into an office during a pandemic, or sick, isn’t healthy. Working while sick will put others at risk and makes more employees miss work.
Working from home keeps employees and their families healthier. They can keep their germs at home and keep working if they feel well enough too. This promotes a culture of wellness and health.
Improve Your Employees’ Mental State
Burnout is far too common in the workplace. When someone is overworked, they are likely even less productive. They may feel sluggish, have a hard time sleeping, and a hard time concentrating at the office.
This is why working from home gives employees a nice mental break. They can focus, take time for themselves, and be less distracted at work. Employees may sleep better, make more time for physical activity, or spend more time outdoors.
Employees who work from home can go for a quick walk before starting work or clean up their emails on the patio. While this may seem simple, these little perks add up to some major mental benefits.
Happier employees are more focused, take less time off from work, and are more productive. You’ll also get the benefits of working this way and working with happier individuals.
You’ll Find More Vested Employees With Less Turnover
Happier employees want to stay at work. Employees who are overworked, stressed, and exhausted aren’t happy. They may seek other more flexible work environments.
When you lose an employee, it takes months to find another one and even longer to get them up to speed. Consider how much time onboarding takes and finding a quality candidate who’s a good fit for the team.
When you have a more flexible, fun, and healthy work environment, employees want to work there. They will cherish their employment and the time you’ve given them to focus on their work, career, family, and health.
Learn More About Remote Work Solutions for Your Business
Remote work is here to stay. With more and more people working from home, we’re seeing improved mental health, a better work-life balance, and more work productivity. Let us help make the move to remote business easier for you and your employees.
If you’re interested in learning more about a remote web workplace setup, managing remote teams, or our Remote Work Toolkit, fill out the contact form here. We’ll help your business transition to remote work every step of the way.
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