Oct 19, 2021 | remote work
Hi, I’m Albert Steed, coming to you from East Grand Traverse Bay, Michigan, from the marina on the boat. Today, we’re talking about how I managed to get my business to be a remote work-friendly business. One of the things that I noticed when I was working...
Sep 1, 2021 | remote work, technology, Uncategorized
Is it time to rethink your VPN system? Many remote work solutions are insecure and unreliable. Just ask your IT provider how many tickets are opened on a monthly basis for your remote work solution! A VPN is a system by which you can gain access to your computer...
Jul 13, 2021 | technology
In the age of Dropbox, Microsoft 365, and other similar remote work management technologies, is your business still using VPNs, FTP servers and RDP servers? These old solutions are gradually becoming obsolete. These are no longer being taught in colleges or...
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